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  3. Examples of uses of the Sirene® database

Examples of uses of the Sirene® database

Using the sirene.fr website you can find all you need to know about your competitors and suppliers, you can canvass for new clients, create or update a list of enterprises in the sector of your choice.

The files available on data.gouv.fr like API Sirene allow a multitude of usages, Click to view the reuse of the Sirene database by the Open Data community .

Each day, there are more than 10 000 updates in the Sirene database.

Create a list of establishments for a market study, a prospecting operation, an inventory of clients and suppliers.

Our solutions : The list (up to 200 000 establishments), monthly complete lists or Sirene API

Update your establishment files.

Our solutions : The list (up to 200 000 establishments), monthly complete lists or Sirene API
for an infra monthly update: The list (up to 200 000 establishments) or Sirene API

Obtain Sirene information in your applications without needing to manage the registry internally.

Our solution : Sirene API

List of establishments

It's a list of establishments among the 31 million establishments recorded in the registry, created based on information and selection of your choice. Each list can contain up to 200 000 establishments.
The registry encompasses individual entrepreneurs, associations, enterprises and establishments present on French territory, overseas territories included.

Note: The lists don't include any director name, email, link, fax number, telephone number. For more information about the content of these files, please refer to the documentation.

For each day, the available data refers to the data of the previous day in Sirene® database.

On sirene.fr you can do your selection based on the following criteria :

  • Location;
  • Activity ( NAF 2008 );
  • Legal status ;
  • Workforce size;
  • Creation date;
  • Last update date;
  • Catégorie d'entreprise ;
  • Liste de siren/siret ;
  • Type of establishment (headquarter or secondary establishment);
  • Administrative status (active and/or closed).


To update your list

You can freely choose the frequency at which you wish to update your list, the database being updated daily. So, to update your data, simply request a list again on the desired date, and you can cancel and replace your initial list.

If your request exceeds 200,000 establishments

You can split your request into several lists so that each does not exceed 200,000 establishments, or go to data.gouv.fr to download the stock files of the 40 million establishments.

Complete lists

You can download from data.gouv.fr five monthly zipped files:

  • The complete list of enterprises (all active and ceased enterprises with regard to the their current state in the registery)
  • The complete record of history variables of enterprises (for each enterprise, the whole set of values of certain history variables in the Sirene registry)
  • The complete list of establishments (all active and closed establishments with regard to their current state in the registry)
  • The complete record of history variables of establishment (for each establishment, the whole set of values of certain history variables in the Sirene registry)
  • The complete record of establishments's succession links
  • le fichier stock des siren en doublons

Each compressed file (ZIP format) contains a data file in CSV format.
Monthly complete files replace those of the precedent month for each given month.
Ceased enterprises and closed establishments are there offering access to the data of Sirene registry since 1973.


Pour mettre à jour votre référentiel:

Vous pouvez télécharger chaque mois le fichier stock actualisé en début de mois sur data.gouv.fr , et actualiser vos données en annulant et en remplaçant les établissements ayant subi une modification.

Sirene API

APIs (web services) are for developers and advanced users of the data.

The data of Sirene registry are accessible via API on Insee API Catalogue : api.insee.fr

Sirene API gives access to the information about enterprises and registered establishments in the Sirene inter-administrative registry since its creation on 1973, including closed establishments.

Other than most recent data, Sirene API give access to the following history variables :

  • Denomination for juridical persons
  • Legal name for natural persons
  • Use name
  • Legal status
  • Status (enterprise or establishment)
  • Headquarter's NIC (the last 5 digits of SIRET number)
  • Principal activity
  • Employee's category
  • Being part of the social economy (ESS)
  • Signage
  • Principal activity of the establishment
  • The category of the establishment's employee


Integrate Sirene data into your application

One of the objectives of the Sirene API is to avoid users having to copy data from the Sirene directory at home and to integrate its updates.

Get updates

Example of use: updating your repository internally

Your repository is a repository which contains variables associated with the legal unit (for example legal category, company name, etc.) and variables associated with the establishment (brand, address, ).

For example, you updated your repository on Thursday, December 13, 2018 with the updates from the day before:

Your repository therefore has as max(dateLastProcessingUnitLegal) and max(dateLastProcessingEstablishment) on 12/12/2018 21:15:59.

On Friday, December 14, you can check with the information service that API Sirene has been updated and that the maximum processing dates have been modified. These two variables changed to 13/12/2018 21:52:17.

To retrieve the modified values ​​of the variables that interest you, you will pass the following query:

siret?q=dateDernierTraitementEtablissement:[2018-12-12T21:15:59 TO 2018-12-13T21:52:17] OR dateDernierTraitementUniteLegale:[2018-12-12T21:15:59 TO 2018-12-13T21:52:17]

Note that this query can return units for which no variable distributed by API Sirene has been modified. The UniteLegal LastProcessing date and LastProcessingEstablishment date are values ​​from the Sirene directory which indicate that an IT action has taken place on the Siren or Siret concerned.

You can compare the values ​​in your repository before and after modification to analyze what the modification was.
This analysis is not necessary if you are not interested in qualifying the changes. Cancels and replaces values ​​ensures synchronization with the Sirene directory (values ​​for example visible by querying the situation advice service: